we write to dream

Hannah Dominique Santos (formally Scofield) grew up telling stories to her siblings in Birmingham, Alabama. For years, she'd walk laps on her gravel driveway that snaked beside her family's dilapidated southern home. As she'd listen to the muddy creek purr in the woods around her, she wondered what other places were like in God's world(s).

In 2021, Santos completed her M. F. A. in screenwriting from the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts, John Wells Division. In the same year, she wrote and helped produce the award-winning feature film "Magic City," currently in international festivals.

Some of her scripts have received international recognition, including her whimsical feature film “Daywake,” which was a recent finalist in the Academy Award-qualifying Flicker's Rhode Island Film Festival.

In addition to working on her own and work-for-hire screenplays, Santos teaches screenwriting at Houston Christian University in Houston, Texas. Her TV pilot Planet Poetica currently in post-production is one of her newest endeavors. The show introduces a poet who works through the problems of his past and his mother’s suicide by watching a whacky TV show in his dreams.

Santos writes coming-of-age scripts and poetry about abused humans who explore their trauma through quirky and absurdest dreams, desires, and fantasy worlds.

What writers Are Saying…

“Hannah is a truly gifted creative writer with a strong work ethic. I had the pleasure of studying with her while earning our MFAs at USC in Writing for Screen and Television. Her knowledge of the craft of screenwriting allows her to create beautiful and haunting stories. And her dedication to her work, and friends, is second to none.” -

—Nick Tassoni, entertainment assistant; horror writer

“Hannah and I have studied together at USC and she is one of the most imaginative, creative screenwriters I have ever read!! She's able to bring the reader into worlds far beyond our own and tell a great story. Such a unique artistic voice!”

Marisa Torelli-Pedevska, Co-Founder of the Inevitable


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